1. EARTHDANCE FESTIVAL AFTERPARTY - 9.29.11 Thursday, September 29, 2011 @ Public Works
2. FESTA ITALIANA WINE CRUISE - 10.02.11 Italian Wines, Gourmet Food, Live Music & Dancing Sunday, October 2, 2011 @ 7PM Cruise San Francisco Bay aboard the Angel Island Ferry DEPARTURE LOCATION: 21 Main Street Tiburon, CA 94920 EMBARK: 7:00PM DEPART: 7:30PM, DISEMBARK: 9:30 to 10:00PM Come join the 2nd Annual Festa Italiana Wine Tasting Cruise on San Francisco Bay This is a wine tasting experience paired with savory tastes…. You’ll enjoy a treasure trove of fine Italian Wines and plenty of appetizers to compliment them. Marin's Finest Cuisine by Servino Ristorante Italian Wineries: Live Dance Band from Doc Kraft & Co. Spectacular scenery and landmarks of San Francisco Bay. SALUTE!!! TICKETS NOW! : http://www.goldengateevents.com/events.html Complete info and directions: http://www.goldengateevents.com/events.html |
3. MASQUEROTICA EPIC HALLOWEEN- 10.22.11 A Major New Event - Buy Tickets Early: http://masquerotica.eventbrite.com |
4. NIGHT FALLS/ SF - 10.21 - 10.30.11 Presented by ODC Theater |