A message from Joegh Bullock...
This is it - the last week to see The Bright River.
We've had so many standing ovations, so much praise, but now the tent is about to fold, so NOW is the time to CLICK BELOW and make your reservations for either this THURSDAY, FRIDAY or SATURDAY.
We're going to have our Anon-style CLOSING PARTYthis FRIDAY after the show with music by my co-producer, DJ LAIRD ARCHER & FRIENDS. That will be a super fun night.
We have seen so many familiar faces and the press has loved it. Thank you for your support, and for passing on word of the show to your network of friends. Doing that one more time, can't hurt.
In case you still have not seen the show though,
here are a few press excerpts.
"Beatbox flautist Tim Barsky’s Bright River is part Sam Spade, part Dante’s Inferno, part love story, and part socio-political commentary infused with Jewish theater traditions"
Chloe Veltman, New York Times
"Hop a subway to a restless hip-hop underworld.... A curious and often transfixing amalgam of Jewish, Greek and other folklore, film noir narrative, adventures in mass transit and riveting, beatbox-driven rhythms." Robert Hurwitt, San Francisco Chronicle
I really hope to can make it this week, and I know you'll be glad you did!
Climate Theater, anonEvents & 37 North present:
The return engagement of 2005's critically acclaimed hit
A mass transit tour of the afterlife
Written and performed by Tim Barsky
Kevin Carnes (Broun Fellinis) – drum set and samples
Alex Kelly (Mark Growden band) – cello and electronics
Carlos Aguirre (Felonious) – beatbox and live looping
NOW through February 20, 2010
Thursdays through Saturdays @ 8pm
Doors open one hour before showtime
@ Brava Theater Center
2781 24th Street @ York, between Bryant & Potrero
San Francisco, 94110
Full info: thebrightriver.com
Experience the Bright River's San Francisco noir underworld environment before and after the show with unique decor, djs, live music, refreshments and light fare. Socialize early and stay after the show for unique live culture in the heart of the city.
Barsky's language is reminiscent of Beatitude poetry, and the gritty landscapes he depicts recall the critical observations of Kerouac or Ginsberg."
Albert Goodwyn - SF Performing Arts
"a powerful dose of poetic theater, haunting music and profound lyrical mysticism"
Grady Boyles - New Mission
Tickets $17-35
Ticketing: brownpapertickets.com/ 1-800-838-3006
"Imagine imagination was a thread, imagine that these words were writ upon water. What if everything after death is just as messed up as it is in life? The rich are still getting richer, the poor are still getting prison -- and everyone still has to rent to pay. So to pay the bills, Quick became a fixer. A missing persons specialist. He brings the dead back to life. And he wants to know: ARE YOU READY to cross over to the other side?"
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=178793017734
Directed by: Jessica Heidt
General Manager: David Gluk
Set Design: Mellie Katakalos
Lighting Design: Heather Basarab
Costume Design: Rachel Hospodar/Medium Reality
Music Director: Jessica Ivry
What the critics are saying about BRIGHT RIVER
".. a curious and often transfixing amalgam of Jewish, Greek and other folk lore, film-noir narrative and riveting beatbox driven rhythms"
Rob Hurwitt - SF Chronicle
“The Bright River... basically a theatre and music orgy."
Kelly Patterson - SF Examiner
"Barsky"s inspired phrasing flows brightly like the river separating this world from the next"
Rob Avila - SF Bay Guardian
"With music that thrums through your bones and a story that yanks your still-beating heart straight out of your ribcage, The Bright River is proof that hope comes at man's darkest hour.
- 7X7 magazine
"a powerful dose of poetic theater, haunting music and profound lyrical mysticism"
Grady Boyles - New Mission
Barsky's language is reminiscent of Beatitude poetry, and the gritty landscapes he depicts recall the critical observations of Kerouac or Ginsberg."
Albert Goodwyn - SF Performing Arts
"Beatbox flautist Tim Barsky’s Bright River is part Sam Spade, part Dante’s Inferno, part love story, and part socio-political commentary infused with Jewish theater traditions"
Chloe Veltman - New York Times
"an extraordinarily talented group of people. The music alone is worth the price of admission and the standing ovation at the end of the show was more than deserved. Shows like this are what make San Francisco so unique and I would put this one into the MUST SEE category."
The Bright River is ultimately a linguistically and musically enthralling work that presents thought-provoking meditations... oddly mesmerizing...innovative and interesting...unusual and fantastic sounds...a refreshing mix of rock.blues and hip hop.... and edgy fast paced performance ... that will keep the audience,s attention...
- Matt Crawford - SF Station
Easy Parking located 2 blocks away, right next to SF General Hospital
2500 24th St., San Francisco, CA, 94110
(415) 206-8770
open 24 hours
$1.50/hr, max. $12
Sign up for Anon Mailings at http://anonsalon.com